Joanna Trollope

Name:Joanna Trollope

Geboren am:09.12.1943

SternzeichenSchütze 23.11 - 21.12


Die britische Schriftstellerin. Autorin zahlreicher Romane, die in Großbritannien regelmäßig an der Spitze der Bestsellerlisten stehen. Werke u. a.: "Leaves from the Valley" (1980), "The Steps of the Sun" (1983), "Britannia's Daughters: A Study of Women in the British Empire" (1983), "A Passionate Man" (1990), "The Men and the Girls" (1992), "The Country Habit" (1993), "The Best of Friends" (1995), "Faith" (1996), "Other People's Children" (1998), "Marrying the Mistress" (2000), "Girl from the South" (2002), "Brother and Sister" (2004), "Second Honeymoon" (2006).

Name:Joanna Trollope

Geboren am:09.12.1943

SternzeichenSchütze 23.11 - 21.12
